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TAFINLAR (Dabrafenib)

TAFINLAR (Dabrafenib)

Regular price $9,295.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $9,295.00 USD
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What is this medication?

TAFINLAR (Dabrafenib)
Antineoplastic Agent, BRAF Kinase Inhibitor

TAFINLAR (Dabrafenib) is indicated for the treatment of melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer, thyroid cancer.

How does this medication work?

Dabrafenib selectively inhibits some mutated forms of the protein kinase B-raf (BRAF). Some mutations in the BRAF gene, including those that result in BRAF V600E, can result in constitutively activated BRAF kinases that may stimulate tumor cell growth.

How should I take this medication?

Oral: Take 150 mg orally twice daily as a single agent or in combination with trametinib 2 mg orally once daily.

How to Take: Take at least 1 hour before or at least 2 hours after a meal.

What should I watch for while using this medication?

Before starting TAFINLAR (Dabrafenib) make sure your physician is aware of any allergies or medications you currently take.  Dabrafenib can cause serious adverse reactions and complications such as malignancy, bleeding, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.  Ophthalmologic evaluations for visual disturbances should be done to assess for ocular toxicities such as uveitis, iritis, iridocyclitis. Cardiomyopathy can also occur and should be carefully monitored for a decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction.

What if I miss a dose?

If you miss a dose of medication, try to take it as soon as possible.  However, if it is almost time for your next dose, take only that scheduled dose.  Do not take double or extra doses.

How should I store this medication?

Keep out of the reach of children at all times.  Store at room temperature, 59 to 86° F (15 to 30° C).  Protect from light.  Keep the container tightly closed.  Properly dispose of any unused medication after the expiration date.

What are the possible side effects of using this medication?

Alopecia, hyperkeratosis, skin rash, xeroderma, hyperglycemia, constipation, papilloma, squamous cell carcinoma, chills, headache, joint and muscle pain, cough, fever.

Note this is not a complete list of side effects for TAFINLAR (Dabrafenib), only common ones.

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