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KEPPRA (Levetiracetam)

KEPPRA (Levetiracetam)

Regular price $323.00 USD
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What is this medication?

KEPPRA (Levetiracetam)

KEPPRA (Levetiracetam) is indicated for focal partial onset seizures.

How does this medication work?

KEPPRA (Levetiracetam) is believed to modulate synaptic neurotransmitter release by binding to a synaptic vesicle proteins SV2A in the brain.

How should I take this medication?

Oral: Take 500mg to 1500mg twice daily.

Note: In patients with epilepsy, oral loading doses of 1.5 to 2 g (immediate release) have been well tolerated and may be useful for more rapidly achieving serum concentrations associated with seizure control.

How to Take: Take with or without food.  Tablets should be swallowed whole, not chewed, or crushed; however, some studies support crushing and mixing with applesauce (Note: Levetiracetam has a bitter taste) or administering via enteral feeding tube. Mix with 120 mL of enteral nutrition formula or disperse crushed tablets (500 mg tablet strength studied) in 10 mL of water, shake for 5 minutes to dissolve, and administer immediately via enteral feeding tube.  However, for extended release tablets take as a whole tablet; do not crush, break, or chew.

What should I watch for while using this medication?

Before starting KEPPRA (Levetiracetam), make sure your physician is aware of any allergies and medications you currently take.  Some patients have been reported to experience  central nervous system depression (i.e. impaired coordination, ataxia, abnormal gait, weakness, fatigue, dizziness and somnolence), skin reactions (i.e. toxic epidermal necrolysis, Steven-Johnson syndrome), hematologic effects, hypertension and psychiatric symptoms.

What if I miss a dose?

If you miss a dose of medication, try to take it as soon as possible.  However, if it is almost time for your next dose, take only that scheduled dose.  Do not take double or extra doses.

How should I store this medication?

Keep out of the reach of children at all times.  Store at room temperature, 59 to 86° F (15 to 30° C).  Protect from light.  Keep the container tightly closed.  Properly dispose of any unused medication after the expiration date.

What are the possible side effects of using this medication?

Increase in blood pressure, behavioral disturbances, vomiting, muscle weakness, nasopharyngitis.

Note this is not a complete list of side effects for KEPPRA (Levetiracetam), only common ones.

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